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Streets of Rogue
Kontakt : pytania i problemy
W przypadku problemów z kontem, czy też pytań dotyczących jego obsługi zapraszamy do kontaktu na nasz adres e-mail profigamesx@gmail.com. Odpowiadamy w godzinach 9 -22.
Streets of Rogue is a rogue-lite about player choice, freedom, and anarchic fun. The game takes inspiration from fast-paced top-down rogue-lites like Binding of Isaac and Nuclear Throne, and adds free-form, experimentation-driven, emergent gameplay elements of RPGs like Deus Ex.
Rather than taking place in a dungeon, the game is set in a functioning, procedurally generated city, where complex AI informs denizens from all walks of life, who are just trying to get by in their daily activities.
In order to progress, the player will need to accomplish specific mission goals in any way they see fit through use of their special character traits, items, and the environment.
- Will you play as a soldier who shoots first and asks questions later?
- A stealthy doctor who uses chloroform and tranquilizer darts to silently take down the opposition?
- A genial bartender who can talk his way past the most intimidating of guards?
- Or how about a hyper-intelligent gorilla, rescuing other caged gorillas to form a small mobilized gorilla army?
The Mighty Feature-List
- Play the game YOUR way! Don’t want to kill anybody? That’s cool! Want to hack computers? Got ya covered!
- Random world generation and TOTALLY EXTREME gameplay variety means you can play for 600 hours and not get bored! Seriously though, go outside!!!
- Super-advanced artificial intelligence that won’t put up with your crap! Outsmart these virtual humans and feel superior to your computer!
- Play as over 20 (and growing!) wildly different types of characters! Bartender, scientist, hacker, gorilla — hey, your job is probably in there too!
- Stupidly huge variety of items! Shrink rays, hypnotizing devices, boomboxes, bear traps, food processors.. Oh, and guns too.
- 4-Player online and local cooperative modes lets you brutalize goons AND loneliness!
- Lead a gang, free slaves, drink beer, gib ghosts, become a vampire, shrink people and stomp on them. The most insanely varied game ever made.
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Kontakt - pytania i problemy
W przypadku problemów z kontem, czy też pytań dotyczących jego obsługi zapraszamy do kontaktu na nasz adres e-mail profigamesx@gmail.com. Odpowiadamy w godzinach 9 - 22.